So after i've killed my family and consoled myself about that, I can carry on on my survival spree.
I take the car keys and go outside, start up the car and drive to a place in West Brom called kat's tats. It's a tattoo parlor but also has a weapons store opposite. The streets as i drive are deserted and i'm alert just in case anything jumps out at me. Being as it's deserted i speed quite happily through the roads where i'd usually be a good boy and stick to the speed limit.
I reach West Brom and cautiously walk out towards the shop. The high street again is deserted yet i can see some of the walking dead all the way down the street, shuffling aimlessly. I push open the door to the shop and enter into the gloom. The shop owner whom i've seen several times is gnawing on some dead woman. As i enter he looks up and lumbers towards me. I could easily outrun him but to save myself any hassle later i duck out of his clutches and plunge my knife into his head. He goes limp and falls to the floor, my knife is stuck. Bollocks. I am now weaponless. I know there are more upstairs so i tip toe up the stairs. My heart is pounding in my chest. I reach the top of the stairs, relief floods through me as i see no one. I make straight for the weapons part, anyone in the tattoo part would probably rather eat me at this point. I look around at the selection of weapons and decide to carry as much as i can and if i have time to come back so i'm doubly prepared. As i start collecting i hear a noise behind me. The big guy who usually does the tattoos is growling in the doorway, gore hanging from his mouth. With surprising speed he lunges and me pinning me under him. I struggle frantically, grapsing around for anything to use as a weapon.
And i need to go and meet my bestie so i'm off for now. Kill those zombies.
It's Still A Funny Old World
3 days ago
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