This is a little rant because of what i've seen over the last few days.
I was waiting for the train yesterday, enjoying a relaxing lean on the slanting wall. I was quite happy listening to the music and people watching (admit it, you all do it) when this guy stands a little way from me near the wall. No problem there. He starts eating a packet of crisps. Again no problem. Then when he's finished he throws the packet on the floor. What the hell is up with that? Honestly the bin was a 10 second walk around the front of the hut thing so why couldn't he walk round and put it in there? Then as if that wasn't bad enough he eats a twix and then throws that wrapper on the floor too. This really annoys me because if i have any rubbish and there isn't a bin around i put it in my pocket until i find one. Why can't this bozo do the same? It makes it worse because there was no other litter about at the time, meaning every other person has found the ability to find the bin. The arse.
The spitter i encountered a while after the litterer. I was walking along quite happily when a guy walks along beside me and 'hocked a loogie.' It was disgusting and landed right in front of where i was walking. I mean why did he even have to spit at all. I don't feel the need to spit all the time especially in such a disgusting manner. He even just carried on like it was nothing meaning he views this awful habit as normal. How vile some people are.
It's Still A Funny Old World
3 days ago
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