Earlier this week my friends in Modern British Drama acted out a performance that they had been working on for the past few weeks. It was AWESOME! I won't get into the details though, I'll let them do that. Before i continue let me take you back to several (i can't remember the exact date) weeks ago where we had finished Life Writing and gone to the pub after said lesson when i was encouraged to sit in a class i was not enrolled in. For that one lesson i had an excuse; i would say that because two of the group weren't there i was standing in for them. I sat down and attempted to hide my face to remain undetected but the lecturer spotted me. She came over and asked (as you would) who i was and why i was there. As i explained she smiled and said she was ok that i was in the class. Joy, i was gaining free knowledge! I thought it would be a one time thing but no i was destined to be in that class for the rest of the term and will be going back after Easter.
I didn't just sit there though and after jokes about me being in the group i actually took on a role: light man. It was a lot of fun i'll tell you.
Anyway what I'm talking about is that for the past few weeks i attended all of my friends classes and their rehearsals, bumping up my time at uni dramatically. Yet i really enjoyed it: i got to spend more time with my friends and got to see some very good performances and was part of some amazingly funny rehearsals! It was nice to be part of a class without the stress of all the hand in work and i advise you all at one point, as long as you have the time obviously, to try this with a lecturer as nice as Vicky.
It hit me the other day that i actually spent more time over the last few weeks at uni doing things i didn't need to be doing rather than my actual lessons. Which was quite funny and even though i'm not getting a grade out of the work i don't regret a single thing about my extra time at uni especially because i spent more time with uni folk.
Go join a class you're not part of.
It's Still A Funny Old World
3 days ago
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