Ok just to clarify this blog is not, as the title seems to suggest a declaration of my homosexuality (even though most of you wouldn't be surprised), it is in fact a blog about male beauty.
I got to thinking about this when my parents, in their loving way, told me after i offhandedly said i had dry skin that i should use moisturiser or i would get wrinkles at an early age. I ignored this for a while until i decided to give it a go. So for the past few days i have been putting moisturiser on my face. I have no idea if anyone had noticed because i can't say i have but please let me know if you have.
Anyway whilst moisturising one day i got to thinking about other things males do to look 'good' today. I am fully aware that there are many programmes dedicated to this topic but i thought i'd write about it. I mean i watched a programme on 4od a few weeks ago called 'Extreme Male Beauty.' I advise you to watch it, it's very entertaining. It featured Tim Shaw over 8 weeks trying to get his body into the likeness of what we all see everyday: 6 packs, chiseled features, big packages. Some of it was a bit extreme; he drank his own wee. But at the end of the 8 weeks he did look amazing and very physically fit. Yet despite this he went into a pub to show off his new look to his friends and wife and they all said it wasn't him; his wife had been saying all the way through that he didn't need to change.
I looked up about the male beauty thing and being envious of those lucky bastards that look like they were carved out of marble is called the 'Adonis Complex.' I won't lie i have this. I worry a lot about, not the way i look persay, but how fat i look. Yet i don't let this take over my life, it would never stop me doing things, unless they were majorly physical and i actually couldn't do it! But everyone said Mr Shaw seemed happier the way he was and it made me think why can't everyone be happy the way they are. Obviously if you're obese and it's dangerous then do something but a bit of podge never hurt anyone.
Saying that i have started running and swimming but that's because i'm not happy with the way i look and that's my choice. I don't know whether it's because of all the media images or just that i have some fit friends or just me wanting to actually be fit. Either way it's my choice and if you're not happy then you should do what you can to make you happy. I do it for myself, not for anyone else, they can think what they want of me. However that is just on physical fitness: there is a limit.
When it gets to a point where a guys daily cleaning routine takes more than say an hour/ hour and a half then i'd say there was a problem. Taking ages to do their hair, exfoliating, moisturising, wearing make-up...
Tangent! - Only certain types of make-up, eye liner is fine. Band images, it suits some people, they want to. But i feel using concealer takes things a bit far.
... is a bit strange in my eyes. I know that this is all just my opinion and if guys want to use make-up, spend ages on their appearance and obsess about the way they look then i support that, It's their decision. I just think the media puts too much attention on men using all these products to look 'perfect' and that we don't actually need all of it; it just gets us worried. The same goes for women too, especially my female friends who look stunning all of the time but don't believe me when i say it.
Don't get me wrong these products can help but i think what's underneath is more important and that most guys look fine without any help. I don't consider myself to be amazingly attractive but i wouldn't say i was hideously ugly either. I get by without using all of this product (though i am still single so maybe i should start :P ) and i, for one, won't start to buy into all of this mega male beauty stuff.
So at the end of my blog i realise that it's been full of contradictions and backtracks but i didn't want to offend anyone. I just wanted to say i thought it was going a bit far.
Stay cool.
It's Still A Funny Old World
3 days ago
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