Thursday, 18 November 2010


I haven't blogged for a while but i was walking with a friend the other day and said friend said something about a number meaning something to him. I then got to thinking about what numbers mean something to me and here they are.

To start with 15: 15 is my lucky number though the reason isn't any sentimental reason. It's only because before i turned 15 i always thought that that was the age that i'd turn super cool and i'd reach the age where i would be super-fit, get a girlfriend and be the most popular guy ever... as it turns out nothing happened. Yet the number remained my lucky one nonetheless. I guess it represents hope and something to look forward to for me :D

Next 16: This number makes the list because at this age my mom was checking my hair for nits (never had them just to clarify) and she made a gasp of shock. Obviously i thought i had nits then in a twist if fate my mother founnd, and consequently pulled out, a grey hair. Yes i had a grey hair at 16.

16:2: This is here because when i was 16 it was the first time i got drunk without the supervison of my parents. It set the way for many other drunken nights out.

10: This is number of the Final Fantasy game that i first played. It was amazing and at once i was immersed in the epic storylines! I've played every game since.

18: The age that i became legal to drink in public places. This may have been a bad idea for the world to give me license to do this. Sorry to anything i've vomited on in the last 2 years.

Monday, 10 May 2010

I'm back again!

So this is my first post in what (blogger tells me) has been two months. I used to be so organised about this blogging business but alas uni work and other things kept me away. Firstly a few things that have changed:
1) I turned 20, went out, got drunk and was consequently sick the next day. Good times.
2) Ash went to wolverhampton and star city for the first time.
3) I got a strike on my first go at bowling.
4) I wore scrubs.
5) Tina stole my stethoscope.
6) My scrubs ripped and i exposed my Spiderman underwear to the whole club.
7) There was drama between Dan and some 16 year olds.
8) Dave turned 50.
9) I spent my first party sober and as the designated driver.
10) Glee returned to our screens.
11) I had a haircut.
12) I finished uni and handed work in early.

Now that you're all caught up i can talk about that main theme of this blog, which is really nothing at all. I suppose because i'll be starting 3rd year in a few months i should probably be getting on with sorting stuff out for uni but we all know that isn't going to happen! For now i feel i shall just spend my time relaxing and completing games/books and other recreational items. Glee is also going to be a major part of my life.
What i am doing though is, in tandem with several of my other friends, getting a house sorted for us to live in next year. It's all very exciting. I actually can't wait to move in with them all next year! So that's at least one productive thing i'll be doing over the summer, other than that i won't really be doing alot.
I assume that 90s night will also play a big part in my lifestyle too. Getting drunk there is awesome and i think at some point you all should try it out.

So changes and random crap sout of the way i'm going to log off now being as you're all up to speed.
See you soon!

Friday, 26 March 2010

Things that Rock!

A short blog about things that i think rock and make me happy.

Heroes - this is a given, considering it's me.

Glee - it is actually full of glee!

Epiphanies - those moments of pure clarity make everything seem good.

Those songs that make you think deeply/ make you happy to the core.

The freedom of having a car and knowing you can go anywhere.

Motorways - even getting lost on them is relaxing.

The cool side of the pillow and blanket.

The total relaxation before you fall asleep.

5 more minutes in bed.

Seeing uni friends after a holiday.

Spending lots of time with uni friends.

The sense of achievement - from work, academics, sports, games or just general success.

Meeting those happy people that make you smile.

The excitement of the airport before you go on holiday.

The thrill of flying.

The happiness you feel when you check your phone and you have lots of messages.

Having a best friend.

When you look in a mirror and think you look good today - in a non vain way.

Thin days.

Those stupid things that make you laugh uncontrollably for hours and hours on end.

The drunk where you don't feel sick - and you don't get a hangover in the morning.

Looking at the pictures after a drunk night out.

Playing with Cal's camera on his Mac.

The relief when work is over.

The full feeling after a good meal.

The 'wow' feeling when you see something incredible - views, art, dusk, dawn, the colour of the sky.

The sense of knowing after finishing a novel.

The excitement at starting the next book in a series - this can be a new book in general.

When you get something new - clothes, phone, book, game, gadgets, etc.

Realising that you have a pretty awesome life.

There are more things that make me happy but they aren't coming to mind so you'll have to wait for it.

Stay happy and think about what makes you smile.

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Did i really need to be there?

Earlier this week my friends in Modern British Drama acted out a performance that they had been working on for the past few weeks. It was AWESOME! I won't get into the details though, I'll let them do that. Before i continue let me take you back to several (i can't remember the exact date) weeks ago where we had finished Life Writing and gone to the pub after said lesson when i was encouraged to sit in a class i was not enrolled in. For that one lesson i had an excuse; i would say that because two of the group weren't there i was standing in for them. I sat down and attempted to hide my face to remain undetected but the lecturer spotted me. She came over and asked (as you would) who i was and why i was there. As i explained she smiled and said she was ok that i was in the class. Joy, i was gaining free knowledge! I thought it would be a one time thing but no i was destined to be in that class for the rest of the term and will be going back after Easter.
I didn't just sit there though and after jokes about me being in the group i actually took on a role: light man. It was a lot of fun i'll tell you.
Anyway what I'm talking about is that for the past few weeks i attended all of my friends classes and their rehearsals, bumping up my time at uni dramatically. Yet i really enjoyed it: i got to spend more time with my friends and got to see some very good performances and was part of some amazingly funny rehearsals! It was nice to be part of a class without the stress of all the hand in work and i advise you all at one point, as long as you have the time obviously, to try this with a lecturer as nice as Vicky.
It hit me the other day that i actually spent more time over the last few weeks at uni doing things i didn't need to be doing rather than my actual lessons. Which was quite funny and even though i'm not getting a grade out of the work i don't regret a single thing about my extra time at uni especially because i spent more time with uni folk.
Go join a class you're not part of.

The Beauty of Males.

Ok just to clarify this blog is not, as the title seems to suggest a declaration of my homosexuality (even though most of you wouldn't be surprised), it is in fact a blog about male beauty.

I got to thinking about this when my parents, in their loving way, told me after i offhandedly said i had dry skin that i should use moisturiser or i would get wrinkles at an early age. I ignored this for a while until i decided to give it a go. So for the past few days i have been putting moisturiser on my face. I have no idea if anyone had noticed because i can't say i have but please let me know if you have.
Anyway whilst moisturising one day i got to thinking about other things males do to look 'good' today. I am fully aware that there are many programmes dedicated to this topic but i thought i'd write about it. I mean i watched a programme on 4od a few weeks ago called 'Extreme Male Beauty.' I advise you to watch it, it's very entertaining. It featured Tim Shaw over 8 weeks trying to get his body into the likeness of what we all see everyday: 6 packs, chiseled features, big packages. Some of it was a bit extreme; he drank his own wee. But at the end of the 8 weeks he did look amazing and very physically fit. Yet despite this he went into a pub to show off his new look to his friends and wife and they all said it wasn't him; his wife had been saying all the way through that he didn't need to change.
I looked up about the male beauty thing and being envious of those lucky bastards that look like they were carved out of marble is called the 'Adonis Complex.' I won't lie i have this. I worry a lot about, not the way i look persay, but how fat i look. Yet i don't let this take over my life, it would never stop me doing things, unless they were majorly physical and i actually couldn't do it! But everyone said Mr Shaw seemed happier the way he was and it made me think why can't everyone be happy the way they are. Obviously if you're obese and it's dangerous then do something but a bit of podge never hurt anyone.
Saying that i have started running and swimming but that's because i'm not happy with the way i look and that's my choice. I don't know whether it's because of all the media images or just that i have some fit friends or just me wanting to actually be fit. Either way it's my choice and if you're not happy then you should do what you can to make you happy. I do it for myself, not for anyone else, they can think what they want of me. However that is just on physical fitness: there is a limit.
When it gets to a point where a guys daily cleaning routine takes more than say an hour/ hour and a half then i'd say there was a problem. Taking ages to do their hair, exfoliating, moisturising, wearing make-up...

Tangent! - Only certain types of make-up, eye liner is fine. Band images, it suits some people, they want to. But i feel using concealer takes things a bit far.

... is a bit strange in my eyes. I know that this is all just my opinion and if guys want to use make-up, spend ages on their appearance and obsess about the way they look then i support that, It's their decision. I just think the media puts too much attention on men using all these products to look 'perfect' and that we don't actually need all of it; it just gets us worried. The same goes for women too, especially my female friends who look stunning all of the time but don't believe me when i say it.
Don't get me wrong these products can help but i think what's underneath is more important and that most guys look fine without any help. I don't consider myself to be amazingly attractive but i wouldn't say i was hideously ugly either. I get by without using all of this product (though i am still single so maybe i should start :P ) and i, for one, won't start to buy into all of this mega male beauty stuff.

So at the end of my blog i realise that it's been full of contradictions and backtracks but i didn't want to offend anyone. I just wanted to say i thought it was going a bit far.
Stay cool.

Friday, 12 March 2010

Zombies beware.

So after i've killed my family and consoled myself about that, I can carry on on my survival spree.

I take the car keys and go outside, start up the car and drive to a place in West Brom called kat's tats. It's a tattoo parlor but also has a weapons store opposite. The streets as i drive are deserted and i'm alert just in case anything jumps out at me. Being as it's deserted i speed quite happily through the roads where i'd usually be a good boy and stick to the speed limit.
I reach West Brom and cautiously walk out towards the shop. The high street again is deserted yet i can see some of the walking dead all the way down the street, shuffling aimlessly. I push open the door to the shop and enter into the gloom. The shop owner whom i've seen several times is gnawing on some dead woman. As i enter he looks up and lumbers towards me. I could easily outrun him but to save myself any hassle later i duck out of his clutches and plunge my knife into his head. He goes limp and falls to the floor, my knife is stuck. Bollocks. I am now weaponless. I know there are more upstairs so i tip toe up the stairs. My heart is pounding in my chest. I reach the top of the stairs, relief floods through me as i see no one. I make straight for the weapons part, anyone in the tattoo part would probably rather eat me at this point. I look around at the selection of weapons and decide to carry as much as i can and if i have time to come back so i'm doubly prepared. As i start collecting i hear a noise behind me. The big guy who usually does the tattoos is growling in the doorway, gore hanging from his mouth. With surprising speed he lunges and me pinning me under him. I struggle frantically, grapsing around for anything to use as a weapon.

And i need to go and meet my bestie so i'm off for now. Kill those zombies.

Sunday, 7 March 2010


After a recent facebook incident with a zombie quiz (again i apologise, especially to kurt) i got to thinking about what i and other people would do if a zombie attack would actually happen. I know that some of my friends are terrified of this happening so maybe this blog will offer them some advice on how to survive.

Me personally i would like to think that i'd become one of those mega bad asses that get loads of guns and shoots the walking dead to smithereens. So this is my fantasy about waking up to find the world has been infected with zombieism:

I wake up and get that weird feeling that something is wrong, deep down in my gut. Still i tell myself it's just a feeling and head downstairs. As i reach the landing there are blood stains all on the walls and i hear a kind of squelching sound. My heart starts to race but i brave it and walk towards the squelch. I walk into the bathroom and find my sister, with the side of her face missing, devouring the contents of my dad's stomach. I scream, as you do, alerting my zombie sibling. She growls at me and makes a grab for me. I turn and run the computer room aiming to get up the ladders into my room whilst the zombie stumbles after me. I slam the door into her making her fall backwards and barricade the door. I calm myself and think how i'm going to get out of this. I go upstairs and get dressed (in something kooky because no one now cares what people look like) and get the weapons that i have, knives, daggers, gun, etc. So in super cool gear and armed up i go to face my dead sister.
I pull away the barricade and in she lunges. I crack her on the head with the butt of my gun and then shoot her dead in the face. Instant kill. Sorry sis. I decide to get in the car and find some more weapons and if applicable some living people. I make my way down stairs. As i pass the bathroom Zombie dad attacks me. I fall to the floor in panic, wrestle out a blade whilst holding his mouth away and stab him in the head. After pushing him off me i go downstairs. i'm being very cautious and i hear a choked moan in the front room. I enter ti find my mom staring out the window. She looks normal and relief floods through me. I hopefully walk forward, reach out and touch her shoulder, 'Mom, are you ok? Something crazy is happening!' No luck here she turns round with a gaping hole in her chest. She growls and tries to grab me. I fall over in typical American horror flick style, losing my knife and gun (obviously). I shuffle backwards as zombie mom ambles forward, hunger blazing in her eyes. She advances on me, in a rush i kick out; i shatter her knee cap and she collapses on the floor. I stand up but she grabs my leg and raises her mouth. I struggle then kick her in the head: i hear a load crack and she goes limp. After the realisation of what i've just done kicks in i heave and then vomit. I come to the conclusion that what i did was necessary, and resolve to carry on living.

Back to me, i know this blog is a bit long so i'll end it there ... for now. I shall continue my zombie adventure soon so stay tuned.
Oh and this post is dedicated to Matt Frost, our resident zombie nut and Kurt Rees, who can use this advice to survive on the slim chance it ever happens.

Friday, 5 March 2010

It can Heavy Rain on me anytime.

As those of you out there savvy enough to understand my very witty title may have guessed, this blog is about the new PS3 game Heavy Rain.

I have only three words to start me off: IT IS AMAZING!

No i realise that because i use this word often it may not strike some of you as being that great but i'll correct you, this is probably the best game i have ever played. I have played a lot of games too so for me to say that is a big thing.
I don't know where to start but i'm writing this because i finished it today. Well i'll start at the beginning. Oh and i won't give away any spoilers for those of you playing at the moment. The beginning of the game is basically a prologue set up for the rest of the game and you learn the unique way of controlling the action and the characters.
This for one is a very innovative way of using the PS3's sixaxis feature. You are required to tilt the controller at certain points in addition to just pressing buttons. The buttons in this case don't just correspond to one particular action either, the same button can shoot someone, make you duck, dance, dodge, etc. I really liked this feature because it kept the game fresh; you never knew what button you needed to press until it popped up on screen. This meant many of the actions could only be done once in the game which again kept it fresh, no repetitiveness here.
The graphics next are unbelievable. It's called Heavy Rain so obviously the rain was going to be good but it's so lifelike! I was amazed that it looked so real. Yes i understand i could have a life and actually look at rain but bare with me. Watching the rain fall is basically the same as looking out of your window on a rainy day. The characters were based on the likeness of actual people so they look very authentic and real and the even the background/scenery looked fantastic. You could tell they'd put a lot of effort into creating this masterpiece.
The final thing i'll say about it is the storyline. Wow, basically. It completely draws you in and keeps you guessing. There's nothing supernatural about it it's so real so you get hooked because it could be happening. There are so many plot twists and even though the game is about getting to the end of the mystery, you sit there yourself and guess who the killer is. Just when you think you've cracked it and are sitting there congratulating yourself one of the characters finds something or does something that turns your whole theory upside down. It is literally one of those stories that keeps you interested the whole way through. Plus with several possible endings you can play it again and get a completely different story, it's entirely up to you. I will say though, for those playing, a tiny decision can affect the outcome so choose wisely :D

For me this game scored 10/10. It had everything a good game needs, (for me anyway) excellent story, complex characters, likable too, fresh gameplay experience, stunning graphics. I highly recommend this to anyone out there with a PS3 (it's only on this console) to go out and grab this one. You won't regret it. Plus it gives you a strange inkling to take up origami.... go figure.

Keep solving.

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Spitters and litterers

This is a little rant because of what i've seen over the last few days.

I was waiting for the train yesterday, enjoying a relaxing lean on the slanting wall. I was quite happy listening to the music and people watching (admit it, you all do it) when this guy stands a little way from me near the wall. No problem there. He starts eating a packet of crisps. Again no problem. Then when he's finished he throws the packet on the floor. What the hell is up with that? Honestly the bin was a 10 second walk around the front of the hut thing so why couldn't he walk round and put it in there? Then as if that wasn't bad enough he eats a twix and then throws that wrapper on the floor too. This really annoys me because if i have any rubbish and there isn't a bin around i put it in my pocket until i find one. Why can't this bozo do the same? It makes it worse because there was no other litter about at the time, meaning every other person has found the ability to find the bin. The arse.

The spitter i encountered a while after the litterer. I was walking along quite happily when a guy walks along beside me and 'hocked a loogie.' It was disgusting and landed right in front of where i was walking. I mean why did he even have to spit at all. I don't feel the need to spit all the time especially in such a disgusting manner. He even just carried on like it was nothing meaning he views this awful habit as normal. How vile some people are.

A day truly wasted.

So fellow heroes. Today as you may or may not know is Thursday, named after the Norse God Thor (who is awesome by the way). Two days ago it was Tuesday, named after the Norse God Tyr (Named Thunor and Tiw in Old English respectively) and that was the day in my life that was truly wasted.

So here goes the story of the wasted day:

I had been at work all weekend so i had forgot that on the Tuesday that we usually have class from 10-1 in the morning. As i had forgotten about this i was up, bright and early, at 7 am. I got ready in my ignorant bliss and made my way to the train station. My lovely friend Tina then text me asking, 'are you coming in with is lot this morning?' If i'm honest, at this point i thought that Tina had lost it here (No offense Tina) but i thought 'of course i'm going in. We've got a lesson!' ...

No we don't. It clicked at that moment that we had tutorials that day and i had basically gotten up for no reason.

At this point let me take you back again to last tuesday because another thing dropped into place at this moment. Last tuesday when Ian was taking down what time we wanted to go in i said 3 pm. Usually i like to go in early but i didn't realise that we could go in in the morning and thought the morning slot was for Wednesday. Again that means i'm a tad spackerfied. So i said three and still forgot about tutorials.

Back to the tuesday just gone. I stood almost at the train station laughing at my own stupidity. I decided then that i may as well go in because i was already up and practically at the station. So i got on the train, told Tina about my idiocy and carried on to uni. As it happens there were crashes on the motorway so Ian was running roughly a hour late. We were all waiting for ages so my theory was that someone would give up and go home and i could go in their spot. No such luck. Ian kept to his schedule rigidly, a good trait i must add.

After this we went for something to eat and then i went to help out the drama kids do their drama. I'm practically part of their group now. Then as usual i went into their class and i acted for them, Eeeeep. At the end of all this at 4 o'clock, i was about to go in when someone else jumped in front saying their appointment was missed because of the lateness. I had to wait longer. Then i finally got in, sitting there waiting for some excellent advice when the file i'd sent my work on wasn't compatible with the system at uni...

Now i wasn't angry, not at all. I was just struck with the realisation that my day had been wasted completely because the work that i'd sent didn't even go through, i didn't need to be up that early and after the days events i didn't need to go in at all.

But i also realised that despite being productively wasted i did get to spend the day with my friends and Ashley kept telling me a day spent in her company is never wasted.

Keep wasting friends ;)

Thursday, 25 February 2010

The House!!!!! Arggghhh

For anyone that wants to read it this is the first 1000ish words of my short story for my creative writing class. Enjoy!

His eyes strained against themselves to open. Patterns next to his face started to shift into focus. Where was this place? What was that? Blood? It was red. Maybe he could just fall back to sleep for a little while. . . No! He had to get up.
The floor he was lying on was smooth and cool and as he pushed himself onto his hands and knees he realised it wasn’t blood, the floor was pattered red. Red, black, yellow and a multitude of other colours all woven together into intricate shapes and designs. He leant back on his legs and checked himself over. Nothing felt broken and other than a head that felt like it had been stamped on he felt ok. Well ok considering he was, well that was still to be decided.
He stood up and glanced around, the walls all around were a dark panelled oak, like a wooden fortress, topped with a blinding white ceiling. Hanging elegantly down was a massive chandelier that appeared to be the source of the light in the gloomy, windowless room. Looking around he started to panic, there didn’t seem to be anyway of getting out. Trying to quell the rising wave of frenzy he frantically looked around when a glint in the corner of the room caught his eye. He made his way cautiously over to it. Perfectly hidden by the shadows of the oak giants was a small, shiny gold knob, holding a tiny golden key in it’s centre. He edged the key around and the entire wooden panel shook. Great grinding sounds from within the wall echoed round the room, like concrete grinding. Then light pierced the gloom as the entire panel from floor to ceiling swung open booming down the corridor. The noise scared him, he was terrified anyone, anything could have heard that and was now on their way, here, to him. Struck with fear he remained stationed on the spot.
When he was mostly certain nothing was coming for him he moved tentatively out into the gigantic hallway. Like the room before it was grand, clearly part of a mansion; it was devoid of furnishings of any kind. It had a strange, creepy kind of atmosphere. He imagined it was booby trapped and treaded carefully. Again there were no windows, the walls were of the same polished oak. However the doors here were obvious. Huge sculpted blocks of wood, ornate and hypnotising. The metal patterns covering them wove into different shapes as he looked at them. A mermaid’s hair became the top of a twister which entwined itself with a leopards tail whose face became the mask of a warrior whose sword exploded into a rocket . . .
He tore himself away, knowing that to keep looking would mean he could never escape; he would be forever lost in hypnosis of metal. He avoided looking at the other doors, yet instinctively knew he had to open them in order to find a way out. He continued down the corridor then paused at something different to the rest of the hallway, opposite each other were two beautiful women painted onto the surface on the wall. There were blue and from the way they were painted appeared to be translucent. He stood in awe marvelling at the craftsmanship of the blue ladies when one of them turned her head to look directly at him. His eyes widened and he jumped back ready to run. The blue woman began to detach herself from the wall, passing through it like a wraith. Her body rippled and undulated as she became a separate entity from the wall. When she finished she stood in front of him, beautiful and striking, appearing to float on blue mist stemming from the floor. He edged backwards when a cool sensation brushed the nape of his neck. He realised the other woman would have detached herself too. She flowed round him, stroking his cheek as she passed to stand by her sapphire sister. Her finger had left a cold streak and as he wiped it, it was wet. They were made from water.
“Hello traveller,” said the first water lady. “ You have entered The House. What brings you here?” Her voice ebbed like the waves, flowing from booming to barely audible.
“Erm , I don’t know. I just sort of woke up here.” He replied. “Where is here exactly?”
The sisters giggled; a sound similar to the whispering sea at night. “You’re in The House,” replied the second sister.
“The House?”
“The House indeed. It’s been a while since we had anyone new or this handsome.” She eddied forward and stroked his chest. Again her fingers left a wetness on his top. They sisters began to slip around him, circling him like vultures.
“And how do I get out of The House?” He said wincing from their touches.
“Don’t you like it here?” the first sister hissed like a wave crashing on rock. “It doesn’t matter anyway, no one ever gets out.”
“Maybe he will sister. Someone has to.” Her voice the sound of roaring waves. They had began circling so fast he couldn’t see the walls anymore just the blur of swirling water.
“Maybe he’s not supposed to escape but help the rest of us!”
“Or perhaps just help the one.” They were churning so fast they threatened to engulf him whole. They were rising too like a furious tidal wave, the sound deafening, when they swiftly slammed themselves back into the walls screaming like harpies. They had assumed their original forms leaving only a circle of water around where he stood.
He stood trembling unsure of what to do next. He didn’t want to meet any other things. Maybe he should try one of the doors. Whilst he stood deciding a sound reached his ears. A sort of choking, breathless sob as if someone was running or crying or both. The next thing he knew a girl had flew through the wall and had cannoned into the wall opposite. Before he could react to this a soldier charged through the wall bearing down upon the girl. He was angular in every sense, clothes, face, sword, hair. He looked inhuman almost as if anything but a straight edge would be an insult. He drew out his sword with a sound like cracking glass and lunged at the cowering girl.

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

The wonder of Glee!

I know what you may be thinking, oh god it's glee. For the people that like it you'll probably be thinking yaaay! I myself am thinking yaaay. There's a big divide betwen those who like it and those who, well hate it. Most people will probably not be so shocked that i like it, people prancing about and singing, seems very me.

Let me tell you i WAS surprised myself that i liked it being in premise and events similar to high school musical (grrrr) which i absolutely hate! I deplore that film, i watched 10 minutes of it and felt i'd aged about 15 years. Also if one shite film wasn't bad enough then they made two more pieces of crap. Oh for fuck sakes. Anyway less of high shit musical. So basically what happened was that i saw the adverts for Glee and it was classed as 'The new American Hit Series.' I though i may as well give it a go and if i hated it i'd stop watching. Simples *weird mouth noise* However it turns out the night it was on i was at work so i wasn't all that bothered about missing it. Fate didn't let me get away that easily. I was on my break flicking through the 5 channels they have, when i came across singing and dancing and slushie throwing. I realised 'ahhh it's Glee, I'll leave this on.'

I watched the last 15 minutes of the first episode happily enough when they started singing their gripping rendition of 'Don't Stop Believin.' From that exact moment on i was hooked. I loved it, it put a smile on my face. I watched the first 15 minutes of the second episode and then sadly had to return to work. I kept doing this vicious circle of: work when it was on, catch bits of it, see the adverts yet miss the majority of the episode. Yet i was hooked so one night i looked it up on the net and found a site with all the first 13 episodes. It was a great night. I then proceeded to download all of the songs from the show, which yes i do listen to on a regular basis.

So that's how i found out about it but this is why, in my opinion, it's a great show. It's got it's downfalls, like every show. The characters are totally cliched and very American, there's not even a posh British person included. Some of the events are hard to believe or rather the characters belief in these events are hard to believe: who'd believe their little swimmers could swim across a jacuzzi because it was 'the right temperature.' And how do you not find out your wife is faking a pregnancy? Yet despite these it's pure comedy gold. Even the stupid events make for a laugh. I especially loved it when Mercedes threw a brick through Kurt's window (how did she not gather he was gay?!) and then began to sing about it. Legend.

It's just pure escapism. There's really no violence in it. It's a happy show. You feel for the characters and their situations and it even touches upon traumatic incidents, teenage pregnancy and coming out, which i feel is brave for a comedy, musical show. It's filled with killer 1 liners, 'I was aroused, then furious,' and is just, no pun intended, full of glee.

So boys and girls i am pleased and proud to admit that i am a fully fledged Gleek!
Don't stop believin'.

Dream eating and women in white.

Me again! Obviously it's my blog, haha.

To start me off i'll go for the thing us English students should enjoy most: BOOKS! The first of these is called 'The Glass Books of the Dream Eaters.' It is my favourite novel, as some people should know. It's a tad hard to describe or even place among the genres of other novels. It's sort of thriller, fantasy, Victorian, erotic, etc, It has many varied styles. It took me a few times to actually start reading it and i was utterly engrossed when it happened. It follows the events of three characters, Miss Temple, Cardinal Chang and Dr Svenson and how they get entangled in the diabolical plans of an evil Cabal. Now in this tiny description i probably haven't given it justice because it is a fantastic read. The language can be a little hard (though that may just be me :P) but the story is so intense and gripping you can practically bypass anything that you dislike about it.

My second book is one i had to read for Uni called 'The Woman in White.' This isn't my favourite, obviously as the one above is but it was one of my favourite old novels. Written by Wilkie Collins this novel again is gripping. Within the first 10 pages you are engrossed by a mystery of this woman in white. I can't praise the story in this enough, it's a large novel, don't get me wrong but i was not bored once. I loved it. Once the initial mystery is solved there's more in store when it turns out there's an even bigger plot twist in store. There's narration, diaries, letters, loads basically! For anyone that likes mystery, go read it and anyone that likes any other type of novel, read it too. :D

Herpes man... funny/strange/scary

Ok so i mentioned in one of my earlier blogs something about a herpes man. Now most of my friends already know this story but for those of you on here that don't, here it is:

I was on my way to work one day, i think a year or so ago. A female friend had just got off the bus on the opposite side of the road. I had my ear phones in so naturally as we passed we just waved at each other and i carried on lightly bopping around. The next thing i know there's a man, holding a can of cheap lagar, stumbling over to me mouthing something almost incoherently. I tentatively take out my ear phone, 'Sorry, what was that?'
'Ahhh i saw that! I saw you waving at her. Ey ey.'
At this point i seriously regret taking out my sanctuary of music but i politely smile and reply, ' Oh no she's just a friend from school.' I hope this is enough to squash his curiosity and he can walk away. Or he can call me a queer and punch me. Either way i'd be happy for him to piss off. I even try to be less than subtle and put one ear phone back in and look around obviously for a bus. This pisshead, much to my chagrin, doesn't take the hint and continues to babble at me. Not wanting to anger a drunk man i let him talk, answering with the obligatory, 'Yeah, oh right, uh hu.'
His babbling continues until the savior (or so i thought) of the bus arrives. I practically run to it and dive on. I hide on the seat about half-way up with the barrier in front of it and duck down. No luck. He gets on and hunts me down again. I then realise i'll have to put up with this for the whole of my 20 min bus ride.
Now clearly this guy is a crazy drunk but he tries, in his own 'special' way to offer me advice. I think he thought that i had crappy parents and no education because the things he told me were the obvious things you learn growing up. However for any of you curious here are a drunks 'valuable' life lessons:
1) Don't sleep around.
2)Be Good to women
3)If you're in a relationship, don't cheat
4)Always use a condom

So by this point i'm a tad annoyed he's telling me things i've known for years until he he reiterates the last point again and again because (and here's the corker of the conversation) the one time, he didn't use a condom and now he has herpes. . .

I think at this point my eyes widened in surprise/horror and i visibly move away from Mr STI. But he's not done there. As if telling a complete stranger something about your crotch that really should be kept secret isn't bad enough he then tells me more about his sad sad situation. Apparently he's too embarrassed to got to the doctor so it keeps flaring up. This mean he can't have sex with his wife because how did he contract this disease? He cheated! Hence the earlier advice. So now i'm siting next to a philandering, STI infected, drunk. Great. I honestly didn't know what to say, i don't want to say anything that could sound offensive, he'd probably smack me in the face. So i just nod and agree his situation sucks (It was blatantly his own fault). So then he keeps telling me over and over not to play around and always use a condom.
You have no idea how much i loved West Bromwich bus station when we pulled into it. I hooped up and ran to my next bus and thankfully Herpes Man went in the opposite direction.
So that was a very VERY strange situation for me to be a part of. I did learn that ... you should never take out your earphones when a drunk comes calling!

Always use a condom :)

Sunday, 21 February 2010

Those weird little things...

It struck me today whilst at work that i need to write about something weird. Now don't get me wrong weirdness is practically built in with me but I didn't really feel like writing about myself for a whole blog.
So i was thinking hard about what to write, herpes man was a popular topic. Then as happens to most things i think about i forgot and was filling in a book for work that basically tells me how to do the job i've been doing for 2 and a half years. One of the questions was:
'What would you do in this situation: a couple in their thirties sits down and orders steak. The woman calls you over and says, 'My steak is burned, i asked for it medium rare and it looks very well done.'
I put, as a joke, 'just eat it you silly bitch.' Which both then and now has made me crease. I then told tammy and jess, both of whom found it funny so i laughed again. I then proceeded to keep laughing at a couple of minute intervals at the same thing, only made worse by putting other stupid things in the book. We got in a taxi to go home and after thinking to myself that i had done well in not laughing for a while.... disaster! I then began to chuckle to myself so i looked out of the window to hide this. I thought about it some more and started to laugh out loud, making me laugh more. I did this for ten minutes.
So after all that my weird thing is why do the stupidest of things make us laugh? It's not even a universal thing, stupid little things usually only make a person laugh. It never makes sense that something that isn't even that funny can strike back a while later (days in my case) but when it does you're usually left on your own laughing with several people giving you strange looks because you've bursted out laughing for no apparent reason. Even now as i'm writing this i keep chuckling away because of writing 'just eat it you silly bitch.' Why? I have no idea but it makes life interesting.

So i'll leave you on one of my favorite weird laugh things from one of my closest friends whilst she was at work:
'Ok thanks, see you, bye.'

Thursday, 18 February 2010


Isn't it good that i've just figured out how to actually change the title of my blog soooooo that means, crazy cats, that my title is actually right at the moment. Yaaaay! How good am i? :P

Me the retard

Well i've only just noticed that the title of my blog is strories of superheroes not stories of superheroes. Let me assure you all that it was meant to be spelled right i'm just not the best at spelling when it comes to typing. I also feel this is weird because i didn't notice until this point that i had spelled it wrong. I feel like a tit now and people are probably going to think the same, if they didn't already! :D

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Overheard conversation.

'Yo what time is it now then?'
'Yeh ok i'll be home by 12 then.'


From what we did today i've been told to rant. It's not very often i do this so i have to make myself angry. One of the main events that make me angry (stressed mostly too) is my work! I mean seriously how shit is that place ask anyone that's worked there for an extended period of time, it's utterly terrible.
The pricks i have the 'pleasure' of serving are some of the most ungrateful, hate filled, stuck up arseholes i've ever met. They moan about having a jet black hair in their food when the two chefs that are on are male with short hair and hats! Love look at your own hair, it's hanging past your shoulders, dripping on your food and oh look at that it's jet fucking black!!!! Then i have this total twat of a man complaining saying i hid his hot chocolate from him so he couldn't see what i was doing. Did i fuck! I left it on the side all the time, i went into the kitchen to get the cream which you know he wanted in the first place. I did enjoy the fact my manager called him a prick as he walked away though. Plus if you always complain about the place then don't fucking come here you dick! There are other restaurants in the world, go be a wanker to them.