So this is my first post in what (blogger tells me) has been two months. I used to be so organised about this blogging business but alas uni work and other things kept me away. Firstly a few things that have changed:
1) I turned 20, went out, got drunk and was consequently sick the next day. Good times.
2) Ash went to wolverhampton and star city for the first time.
3) I got a strike on my first go at bowling.
4) I wore scrubs.
5) Tina stole my stethoscope.
6) My scrubs ripped and i exposed my Spiderman underwear to the whole club.
7) There was drama between Dan and some 16 year olds.
8) Dave turned 50.
9) I spent my first party sober and as the designated driver.
10) Glee returned to our screens.
11) I had a haircut.
12) I finished uni and handed work in early.
Now that you're all caught up i can talk about that main theme of this blog, which is really nothing at all. I suppose because i'll be starting 3rd year in a few months i should probably be getting on with sorting stuff out for uni but we all know that isn't going to happen! For now i feel i shall just spend my time relaxing and completing games/books and other recreational items. Glee is also going to be a major part of my life.
What i am doing though is, in tandem with several of my other friends, getting a house sorted for us to live in next year. It's all very exciting. I actually can't wait to move in with them all next year! So that's at least one productive thing i'll be doing over the summer, other than that i won't really be doing alot.
I assume that 90s night will also play a big part in my lifestyle too. Getting drunk there is awesome and i think at some point you all should try it out.
So changes and random crap sout of the way i'm going to log off now being as you're all up to speed.
See you soon!
It's Still A Funny Old World
3 days ago